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Category: Stories

Public administration
Ads offer false hope to job seekers

Ads promising jobs with the government are frequently deceptive, setting up fake hiring procedures for positions where the winning candidates already are known.

Public administration
Europlakat Profits From Privilege Given the Green Berets

Sarajevo authorities gave a veterans group, free ad space on streetlamps, throughout the capital city, foregoing revenue they might have used for the public good, but a private firm connected to one of the richest ad companies in the country…

Zavala: Cape Corruption

First Bank loan funds were used in illegal construction on Cape Zavala and a waterpark that never happened. Both projects were linked to ruling party vice president and former President of Serbia and Montenegro Svetozar Marovic and members of his family.

Saving the Bank at Any Cost

Despite the advice of the World Bank, the government of Montenegro refused to seize the bank controlled by the family of former Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic even though a low interest loan hung in the balance. Instead, it spent two years trying to remove government funds from the ailing bank.

Banking above the Law

An analysis of Central Bank reports shows that First Bank systematically broke a number of major laws and regulations governing the banking sector including banking law, anti-money laundering law, generally accepted accounting practices and reporting standards.


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