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Category: Stories

Public administration
Extra Pay: No Extra Work

Twenty-one institutions in FBiH spent 5.48 million KM on commissioner fees over a three-year period, yet auditors found the commission system encourages idleness and waste, and that rules are ignored. But some ministers say the system is valuable – and make money from it.

Public administration
Money Spent with Few Results to Show

What do commissions do? The answer depends on who’s talking. In the case of BiH’s 52 government institutions, commissions have been created to launch pet projects or serve as a pit where authorities can dump difficult political issues. Not all commissioners are paid, but those who are collected at least 3 million KM in the most recent three-year period.

Public administration
Commissions: A Custom With No Controls

Government officials at all levels of government in BiH say that the hundreds of commissions that cost taxpayers millions of KM are desperately needed. They cannot or will not say how many commissions there are, what they cost each year and offer no accounting. CIN reporters decided to do that work themselves.

Full SIPA Report: Details, Accusations

An investigation into contracting in RS, though flawed, examines expenditures on government showpiece buildings in Banja Luka and finds that an array of officials helped inflate costs and benefited a favored contractor.

The Bičakčić and Čović Housing Scheme

A political sweetener turned sour last week for Edhem Bičakčić, former FBiH Prime Minister and Dragan Čović, his former deputy, when they were charged with overstepping their authority and benefiting others through a housing scheme that was funded at the expense of the FBiH budget.

Will Court of BiH Prevail?

If the Constitutional Court of BiH rules that a section of the Law on the Court of BiH is unconstitutional at a session scheduled for Friday, it could leave entity and lower courts without an arbiter.

Public administration
Kindergartens: A Control Issue

When Instruction in Islam was introduced to Sarajevo’s public kindergartens, the debate over the parents’ say in their children’s education became more heated. A new poll sheds some light on what parents would prefer.

Hećo Company Ignores Court Rulings

Since 2002, Gas&Metal, a company owned by the FBiH minister of energy, mining and industry, has failed to obey three final verdicts for grievances ranging from nonpayment of lease to trespassing, while another company says Gas&Metal’s inaction has left it damaged and its workers unpaid.

BiH Constitutional Court: Overstepping?

Rulings by the Constitutional Court of BiH that delve into the legal basis of decisions by lower courts have stirred disputes in legal circles about whether the Court is overstepping its authority.


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