Notarized Crime
At least six notaries in BiH were convicted in the past seven years for misconduct in public office, falsification of documents, and endangering security. Based...


Convicts Freed, Judges Rebuked
From 2018 to 2024, eighteen judges have been penalized due to negligence in their work, which led to the statute of limitations on the enforcement of judgments and...
Statute Of Limitations Archives Justice In BiH
In courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, between 230 and 340 criminal cases become time-barred each year due to the expiration of the legally set deadline for the completion...
Millionaires Among Court-Appointed Attorneys
Over the course of six years, courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina have paid out BAM 58.8 million for compensations to court-appointed attorneys. Nearly BAM 10 million...
NASLOVNA_Vedad_Arslanagic_kuca_sagradjena 2019_prodato_Georgia_USA
The Arslanagićs Trading Luxury Real Estate In America
While the former director of Bosnalijek Edin Arslanagićs assets in BiH was blocked, his son Vedad Arslanagić sold a seven-room villa in the upscale neighborhood...
Težak put do odštete za notarske greške_Naslovna
A Difficult Journey To Indemnify Losses Caused by Notarial Errors
The path to indemnification of damages caused by a notarial error is an uncertain one. Proving is difficult, and even when clients succeed, notaries look for ways...
Notarized Crime
At least six notaries in BiH were convicted in the past seven years for misconduct in public office, falsification of documents, and endangering security. Based...
45 Judges And Prosecutors Disciplined In Two Years
CIN updated its database of “Disciplinary punishments against judges and prosecutors” adding the disciplinary proceedings decisions that HJPC imposed on judges,...
Teacher Molesters Among Students Again
At least thirteen educators have been convicted of sexually molesting school students, and more than half of them continued to work with children after the verd...
Lamb Alla Police
Police officer Elvedin Džigum from Bosanski Petrovac has been taken money from truck drivers for years to turn the blind eye to their traffic violations. The Police...
State Prosecutor Not Declaring All the Assets
State prosecutor Vedrana Mijović and her husband Danko bought five properties in 13 years, and she has not declared some of them to the HJPC. Even though this institution...
Naslovna (3)
Money Over Dignity Of The Profession
In five years, at least nine lawyers in Bosnia and Herzegovina were convicted of abuse of position, abuse of trust of clients, and document forging. Six were banned...
Millions Through A Power Of Attorney
Emina Begić, a lawyer from Bugojno, is accused of abusing clients’ trust, embezzling their money, and forging documents. Although the Bar Association can suspend...
Issuing Medical Certificates Without Even Seeing Patients
The private health institution Medica issued almost two and a half thousand medical fitness certificates for driving licenses in a year without having the medical...
A Court Deed Covering Up Money Laundering
The real estate of a stockbroker Zijad Blekić is suspected to have been used for laundering BAM 1.1 million from NLB bank, and six years later, in the Travnik Land...
Osuđeni parlamentarci Federalnog parlamenta
Legislators On The Other Side Of The Law
Every fourteenth parliamentarian in the highest legislative body of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a former convict, and more than half of them are...
Kafa carinicima umjesto milioni državi
A Coffee Gratuity to Custom Officers Instead of Millions to the State Budget
In exchange for a BAM 2,500 kickback paid to customs officers and forwarding agents per truck, the textile importers pay many times lower customs duty and taxes....
Convicts Freed, Judges Rebuked
Statute Of Limitations Archives Justice In BiH
Millionaires Among Court-Appointed Attorneys
NASLOVNA_Vedad_Arslanagic_kuca_sagradjena 2019_prodato_Georgia_USA
The Arslanagićs Trading Luxury Real Estate In America
Težak put do odštete za notarske greške_Naslovna
A Difficult Journey To Indemnify Losses Caused by Notarial Errors
Notarized Crime
45 Judges And Prosecutors Disciplined In Two Years
Teacher Molesters Among Students Again
Lamb Alla Police
State Prosecutor Not Declaring All the Assets
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