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July 2nd, 2024

Ajša Ramić from Visoko has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for falsely presenting herself as a lawyer, issuing counterfeit public documents, and defrauding her client of thousands of marks. CIN wrote about Ramić and her partner from the USA taking passports and money from BiH citizens to allegedly procure them U.S. Visas – while they had no cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in return, they provided them with falsified documents.

In late February 2024, the Cantonal Court in Zenica sentenced Ajša Ramić from Visoko to one year and four months in prison for fraud. The court found that in 2021, Ramić falsely represented herself as a lawyer and issued counterfeit public documents to a client, charging him 4,100 BAM for these services.

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