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New Award Goes to Young CIN Reporters

Reporters from the Center for Investigative Reporting received a CEI/SEEMO award for the story about foster families.

CIN reporters Jovana Kljajić, Maida Salkanović and Sadeta Fišić are winners of a international award for investigative reporting from the CEI (Central European Initiative) and SEEMO (European Meadia Organization for South East Europe). Their story about foster families received the award in the category of young professional reporters.

“The three young reporters dealt with a sensitive and problematic subject – the mistreatment of children in foster families – with courage, accuracy as well as great investigation and research efforts. The publication of the story caused a reaction in the public and the reporters received some threats. Nevertheless, they decided to continue their investigation and are currently working on a follow-up“, read a SEEMO press releaase.

Foster Care According to One’s Conscience
BiH does not have a good foster care oversight system, which is why children are at the mercy of families who have taken them in.

CIN’s story The Dear Cost of Having a Roof over your Head was published this April. The reporters have already been honored for the story by USAID, and the story helped in drafting public policy on fostering in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A Dear Cost of Having Roof over your Head
Some of the nearly 600 children placed with foster families in BiH have been raped, physically abused or neglected.
CIN Receives Journalism Award
“The Dear Cost of Having Roof over your Head” received a USAID award.
CIN’s Story Influenced Drafting of a New Law
The FBIH is about to get a new law on fostering which should put in place the system of monitoring foster families.

CIN reporters exposed mistreatment of children in foster families, uncovering cases of rape, abuse and neglect. They also revealed legal loopholes and inadequate oversight of children in foster families due to unclear jurisdiction in such cases.

This year’s main award in the category of professional reporters went to Brankica Stanković, the editor of the program “Insider” at Serbian television B92.

Last year, CIN reporter Mahir Šahinović received a SEEMO award for his story Balkan Share Traders Endangered German Stock Exchange.

Balkan Share Traders Endangered German Stock Exchange
The German stock exchange in Frankfurt could not thwart a fraud cooked up by two Bosnian brothers to pump up the price of worthless shares...

This year, 38 nominations from 14 countries were submitted. The awards, as well as a special mention to Ukraine journalist Anna Babinets, will be given out in Skopje during the SEEMO Forum on Oct. 16 and 17 of this year.

The award is given in collaboration with the German Konrad Adenaur Foundation. The applications were examined by a six-member jury: Oliver Vujović (SEEMO), Barbara Fabro (CEI), Christian Spahr (Konrad Adenauer) and journalists Saša Leković (Croatia), Besar Likmeta (Albania) and Adrian Mogos (Romania).

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