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Category: News

Following CIN's investigation
Former Police Commissionaire Ramo Brkić Arrested

Ramo Brkić, former police commissionaire of Una-Sana Canton, was arrested in Slovenia after being at large for three years. He fled the country after the Court of BiH sentenced him to 11 years in prison for production and trade in narcotics and the abuse of office and other corruption charges.

CIN Reporter Azhar Kalamujić Wins an International Award

The competition organized by Montenegrin foundation Duško Jovanović attracted 29 regional entries. A story about the illegal activities of Sarajevo judges, lawyers and court staffers to take possession of abandoned condos and houses in Sarajevo has won the first prize.

Following CIN's investigation
Indictment Against Senaid Begić Approved

Municipal Court in Zenica approved indictment against Senaid Begić, the FBiH legislator and a former director of Zenica-Doboj Canton Health Care Fund and Omer Avdaković, the head of Fund’s finances, on charges of abuse of office and fraud in office. CIN has already written about it.

Following CIN's investigation
Indictment Against Agan Bunić Approved

Prosecutors filed an indictment against the chairman of Una Sana Canton Assembly on charges of the abuse of office and forging of official document during his mayoral term in Bužim.


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