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Category: News

Following CIN's investigation
Trial in Connection with Nikola Špirić’s Official Car

In 2008, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina paid 219,900 KM for an Audi Q7 intended for then chairman Nikola Špirić. Five years later the car was sold for 34,218 KM. The following month a trial related to the car’s procurement is scheduled to open before the Basic Court in Brčko District. Defendants are charged with fraud and abuse of office.

Parliament Adopts a Motion for Protection of Journalists

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) Parliament adopted a motion by the parliamentary group of Social-Democratic Party of BiH to amend the FBiH Penal Code with provisions that would treat assault or battery on a journalist like that on an attack against a police officer or a public employee.

Judges Pick Attorneys for Defendants

Even though the law defines that defendants should choose public defenders, in nearly half the cases judges in Bosnia and Herzegovina courts have done that instead of defendants.

Following CIN's investigation
Stricter Rules for Legislators’ Allowances

After CIN’s investigation into legislative abuse, the FBiH Parliament’s House of Peoples introduced new rules for the use of living-away-from home and accommodation allowances in Sarajevo.

New Investigation into Prescription Abuse

Law enforcement in Una Sana Canton is conducting an investigation into the abuse of prescription orders in nine private pharmacies in Cazin. CIN wrote earlier about some doctors and pharmacists who found a way to enrich themselves through fake and tampered prescriptions that are subsidized by Una Sana Health Care Fund.

Music Company Censors the Work of Investigative Reporters

A video story “Taxpayers Paid Dearly for Condo That Milica Marković Got for Free” was blocked yesterday on YouTube channel of the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) in Sarajevo on account of alleged copyright infringement after an independent music company specializing in international music distribution „KVZ Music Publishing (entertainment)“ submitted a complaint.


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